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Dr. Pangrazi Answers Your Most Pressing Questions

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Questions Include:

Discipline & Unmotivated Students:

  • What are some strategies for helping to reset expectations for behavior if these weren’t properly set or managed at the beginning of the year?
  • What are some things we can do with a student that just doesn’t want to follow directions?
  • When a student repeatedly struggles with following directions, how do you get them back on track without stopping the whole class and calling them out?
  • What can I do to minimize outbursts from aggressive students?
  • Do punitive measures work to change student behavior such as non-participation, lack of effort, etc.
  • What alternatives to punitive measures can a teacher use to change unacceptable behavior?
  • Just like to hear how to combat cell phones I can’t compete with social media etc.

Instructional Queries:

  • How do I shorten the time I take to explain new games and activities without compromising important rules?
  • Students seem to like certain units better than others.  How can I keep those students motivated when the unit at hand is not their favorite?
  • Do you feel PE is trending away from being sports-based and leaning more towards movement-based?
  • How do you balance the idea of keeping kids engaged in MVPA while still teaching correct form, complex concepts, and health?
  • What should the length of units be in elementary, middle, and high school?
  • As a new teacher, I am told I need to follow a curriculum. What do I do?

Scheduling Issues:

  • How many times per week do you believe students should have PE and for how long?
  • How can I maximize the learning experiences of my students when I only see them once per week for 45 minutes?

Dress Codes & Participation:

  • PE Dress code: how important is it for grading and participation at the middle school level (grades 5-8)
  • What are your best options for students who do not wear athletic clothing or shoes for PE class?
  • How do I keep those students who constantly want to sit out, engaged in participation?

Questions Related to Teachers:

  • How can physical education teachers increase the understanding of the importance of PE in the overall curriculum of students by administrators.
  • How do you get the regular classroom teachers to not think of you as their break time, but a partner in teaching?
  • How do you improve the attitude at the administrative level to support quality PE.
  • Can you have quality PE with 45 min of PE a week?
  • Are there ways for retired PE Teachers to continue to support Physical Education in the schools or at state and National levels?


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