Midyear Corrections: Little Things that Make a Big Difference

Tune into the PE Huddle to hear about how to make personal changes in your teaching practice to make your profession personally rewarding. Topics such as emotional and physical safety, off-task behavior, modeling desired behavior, and efficient planning are just some of the topics to be discussed. As one of our speakers puts it, “The art of a tough few weeks of consistency to create a well-oiled machine” is a good place to start. 

Holly Aungst is a Professor and Administrator in the Health Sciences Department at Northern Arizona University. She prepares teacher candidates to deliver appropriate instruction that is physically and emotionally safe for all learners. With nearly 15 years’ experience, Holly shares her expertise often by presenting at state and national conferences. 

Theresa Freas has taught Health, Physical Education and Yoga for 24 years at Coconino High School in Flagstaff AZ, (her Alma Mater). Theresa has served as Department Chair for 15 years, was a Link Crew Coordinator for 15 years and coordinated the Alternative to Suspension program. Theresa earned her bachelor’s degree in Physical Education, Health Education in addition to Athletic Training at Southern Utah University.

About Instructor

Dr. Robert Pangrazi

60 Professional Developments

Professional Development Includes

  • 1 Webinar
  • Professional Development Certificate


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