Effective Teaching Practices that Groom Students for Success

Join the PE Huddle with two outstanding teachers who have had over 20 years of success. How they manage and teach students to reach their full potential will be discussed from many different angles. Both teachers have experience with students in many settings and have learned the fundamentals of “assuring students learn.” In addition, learn how they challenge themselves to improve and grow and maintain their desire to be the best teachers they can be.

Alvin Mariteragi has been an educator for 24 years in Hawaii.  His experiences in teaching have taken him from Pre K, Elementary, Middle School, High School, and to the University level.  Physical Education, Health Education, Adaptive PE, & Weight training are his main focus.  He is also the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach who trains and services all the athletic sports at Kahuku High School.  In the midst of this he still finds time to teach at Brigham Young University Hawaii as an adjunct faculty member.  He is a firm believer that managing students is the key to unlocking their potential to learn.  

Brian Hull taught secondary physical education for 10 years in Denver, Colorado (in Denver Public Schools). All of Brian’s experiences have been in high needs Title 1 schools. In 2018, Brian received the SHAPE Colorado High School Teacher of the Year award. Additionally, in 2020, Brian was named the SHAPE America National High School Teacher of the Year. In July 2021, Brian transitioned out of teaching and joined the SPARK and Gopher Sport teams. Brian firmly believes in the “education” aspect of physical education.

About Instructor

Dr. Robert Pangrazi

56 Professional Developments

Professional Development Includes

  • 1 Webinar
  • Professional Development Certificate