The Perfect Fitness Fit; Making Fitness Personal

This webinar will not only explore Maria’s top three fitness lessons, but will also discuss various strategies to make fitness more personal and meaningful to students. The first half of the webinar will take a detailed look at three unique, high intensity fitness lessons which will include diagrams, directions, equipment used and modifications. The second half of the webinar will address the importance of the process of fitness rather than the outcome. In addition, suggestions on how students can make their fitness experience personal and positive by learning how to self-assess their fitness levels using pedometers, goal setting and workout design will also be explained. Finally, Maria will close with motivational tips on how to get the most out of your students!

About the Presenter:
Maria Corte attended Arizona State University where she received a Physical Education Bachelors Degree. She received her Master’s Degree from the University of Phoenix in Education Administration. Maria has been teaching at Mesa High School since 1994. While teaching at Mesa High, Maria has developed and created a cuttingedge fitness program and the Mesa High Elite Fitness Club, which serves as a model for schools around the country. In addition to her teaching, she has coached varsity volleyball, track, cheerleading and is one of the strength and conditioning coaches at her high school. Maria has made numerous state and national presentations.

About Instructor

Maria Corte

8 Professional Developments

Not Enrolled

Professional Development Includes

  • 1 Webinar
  • Professional Development Certificate


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